Jury of the III Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest
Tamara Sinyavskaya Soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre (mezzo-soprano), People’s Artist of the USSR (Russia) ![]() Born in Moscow.1964 – 2002 – a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.1968 – 1st Prize and Gold Medal in the Competitionfor young opera singers in Bulgaria.1969 – Grand Prix and the Special Prize of theQueen of Belgium for the performance of songsby Tchaikovsky in the competition for young operasingers in Belgium.1970 – 1st Prize and the Gold Medal at theTchaikovsky Competition in Moscow.1972–1973 – an internship at La Scala Theatre(Italy).Performed primary arias in operas by M.Glinka,P.Tchaikovsky, M.Mussorgsky, J.Bizet, G.Verdi,S.Prokofiev, R.Shchedrin.T.Sinyavskaya worked with such famousconductors as E.Svetlanov, G.Rozhdestvensky,Y.Simonov, V.Spivakov, M.Ermler, Y.Bashmet,M.Rostropovich (Russia), B.Haitink (Netherlands),P.Chailly (Italy).Concert tours – Austria, America, Britain, Belgium,Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Canada, Germany, Romania,Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia.The following discs were recorded: Opera «EugeneOnegin» by Tchaikovsky (Olga) – conductorMstislav Rostropovich and M.Ermler; The opera«Prince Igor» by A. Borodin (Konchakovna) – ConductorM.Ermler; Opera «Boris Godunov» by Mussorgsky(Marina Mnishek) – Conductor A.Lazarev;Opera «Ivan Susanin» by Glinka (Vanya) – ConductorM.Ermler; Opera «Ruslan and Ludmilla» byM.Glinka (Ratmir) – conductor Y.Simonov; Opera«War and Peace» by S. Prokofiev (Helen) – ConductorM.Ermler; Opera «The Stone Guest» byA.Dargomyzhsky (Laura) – Conductor M.Ermler;Romances by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov –conductor E.Svetlanov; Shostakovich song cycle«From Jewish Poetry» – conductor M.Jurowski.From 2005 to the present T.Sinyavskaya is thehead of Vocal Department at GITIS (Theatre Institute),Professor.
Elena Obraztsova
People’s Artist of the USSR,the Russian Bolshoi Theater soloist and professor (Russia) ![]() Elena Obraztsova became one of the greatestopera stars in the world.Elena Obraztsova graduated from the LeningradState Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov in 1964. As a student, she made her debutin 1963 at the Bolshoi Theatre as Marina Mnishek inMusorgsky’s «Boris Godunov.»In 1962 he was awarded the gold medal at thecontest in Helsinki (Finland) and Glinka Competitionin Moscow, and in 1970 – P. Tchaikovsky contest inMoscow and F. Vi as.The best opera houses in Europe and America,the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters, Fox andLa Scala Grand Opera and Covent Garden, theMetropolitan Opera and the San Francisco Opera,she sang with Mirella Freni, Renata Scotto, FedoraBarbieri, Montserrat Caball , Ileana Cotrubas, JoanSutherland, Alfredo Kraus, Placido Domingo, LucianoPavarotti, Jose Carreras, Nicholas Gyaurov,Carlo Bergonzi, Giacomo Arageli, etc.She performed the primary arias on the stagesof the world’s leading stages: Marina Mniszek «BorisGodunov» (Mussorgsky), Countess «Queen ofSpades» (Tchaikovsky), Amneris «Aida» (Verdi),Lyubasha «The Tsar’s Bride» (Rimsky-Korsakov),Martha «Khovanshchina» (Mussorgsky), Carmen’s«Carmen» (Bizet), Azucena «Il Trovatore» (Verdi),Delilah «Samson and Delilah» (Saint-Saens),Princess, «Adrienne Lecouvreur» (Cilea) Lubava«Sadko» (Rimsky-Korsakov), Adaldzhiza «Norma»(Bellini), Jane Seymour «Anna Bolena» (Donizetti),Leonora «Favorite» (Donizetti), Neris «Medea»(Cherubini), Orpheus «Orfeo ed Euridice» (Gluck),Charlotte «Werther» (Massenet), Eboli «Don Carlos» (Verdi), etc.She sang under the largest opera and symphonyconductors such as Carlo Maria Giulini, Herbertvon Karajan, Riccardo Muti, Lorin Maazel, ClaudioAbbado, Carlos Kleiber, James Levine, etc.Elena Obraztsova tours in Milan and New York,Vienna and Tokyo, Osaka, and Washington, DC,London, Paris, Budapest and Salzburg, Marseilleand Barcelona, San Francisco and Los-Angeles,Lisbon and Rome, etc.Elena Obraztsova won all the top honors andawards of the USSR and Russia, and other countries’the most prestigious awards.
Farhad Badalbeyli
the People’s Artist of the USSR, professor, The People’s Artist of Azerbaijan, piano player and director. (Azerbaijan) ![]()
Place of birth: city of Baku (Azerbaijan)The People’s Artist of Azerbaijan (1978) and thePeople’s Artist of the USSR (1990), professor(1983).Winner of the Azerbaijan State Prize (1985),awarded with the Order of Honour of Azerbaijan(1997) and made a Chevalier of the Order of Artsand Letters in France (2000).Director of the Baku Music Academy (since1991 till present time).Studied in the Azerbaijan State Conservatory(group of M.R. Brenner) in 1965–1969.In 1969–1971 Farhad Badalbeyli attended postgraduatetraining program at the Moscow TchaikovskyState Conservatory (group of B. Davidovich).Farhad Badalbeyli is the winner of various internationalcontests such as a famous B. SmetanaPiano Competition held in Czechoslovakia (1967)and Viana da Motta held in Portugal (1968).Farhad Badalbeyli is an active concert performer.The tours of the pianist include Bulgaria, Germany,Greece, Italy, Cuba, Norway, Portugal, Tunisia,Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden,Japan, South Korea and other countries.He performed with such orchestras as MoscowVirtuosi, Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra,London Royal Philarmonic Orchestra, KBS SymphonyOrchestra, Johannesburg Symphony Orchestra.Since 1971 Farhad Badalbeyli participates inlecturing activity of Azerbaijan State Conservatoryand becomes its president in 1991.Farhad Badalbeyli initiated renaming of AzerbaijanState Conservatory into Baku Music Academy(1994).Director of the Baku Arts Centre (1987–1996).Since 1990 till the present time – the chairmanof the Azerbaijan music personalities association.Since 1995 Farhad Badalbeyli is the member ofthe Azerbaijani Culture Friends Foundation.Since 2009 – the founder and art director of theGabalin Music Festival.
Dmitry Bertman
The People’s Artist of Russia, Professor, art director of HELIKON-OPERA theatre (Russia) ![]()
Dmitry Alexandrovich Bertman was born inMoscow. In 1984 he was admitted to the RussianUniversity of Theatre Arts (GITIS), the course ofthe People’s Artist of the USSR and professor G.P.Ansimov, where he obtained the profession of themusic theatre director.In 1990 founded the music theatre HELIKONOPERAin Moscow and since then he has beenholding the positions of its art director.Since 1994 till the present time Dmitry Bertmanhas been lecturing in the Bern Opera Studio(Switzerland). He gives master classes both in Russiaand abroad. In 1996 he became the art directorof the workshop and since 2003 he has been thehead of the art direction and stagecraft departmentin RUTI (GITIS) music theatre. He is also the professorof art direction and stagecraft in this musictheatre. He is the author of various articles and scientificworks.In 1997–2001 he was a three-time winner of theGolden Mask National Theatre Award, category “theBest director of music theatre”. In 2005 the play underhis direction “Dialogues of the Carmelites” wasawarded with the Hit of Season theatre prize givenby the Union of Theatre Workers. In 2006 the sameprize was awarded for the play “Fallen from the Sky”based on the opera by S.S. Prokofiev “The Story ofa Real Man”.In 2003 was awarded with the national FrenchOrder of Academic Palms (Officer) and in 2004 –with Maltese Cross.In 2005 was awarded with the K.S. Stanislavskiprize, category “Director Art” for his contribution intodevelopment of opera art direction.In 2007 the art director of Helikon-Opera, wasawarded with the city of Moscow prize for productionof plays in 2004-2006 season and substantialcontribution into the Moscow music culture.He is also the winner of the Estonia State Awardand Estonian Theatre Association award.According to the decree of the President of theRussian Federation he has been awarded with theOrder of Friendship for his achievements in the developmentof the national culture and arts, long lastingfruitful activity.He is the director and producer of more than100 plays both in Helikon-Opera and other Russianand foreign theatres.In 2010 the Baku Heydar Aliyev Palace held thepremiere of the opera by Franghiz Alizadeh “Intizar”.He has been collaborating with the Culture TVchannelfor many years, he is the director and participantof various programs.In 2011 he was elected the secretary of theUnion of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation.He was of jury in various international vocal andopera art competitions, he is a permanent jury memberat the Belvedere vocal competition.
Vincenzo De Vivo Artistic Director of the Accademia di Arte Lirica in Osimo and the Teatro di San Carlo in Napoli, Italy, professor. (Italy) ![]() Vincenzo De Vivo, born in Salerno (Italy), since1982 has been holding the position of the artisticdirector of the Roma Opera House, the BolognaTeatro Communale, the Festival Pergolesi Spontiniin Jesi, the Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte in Montepulciano.He also was the Vice General Managerof the Palau de les Arts in Valencia, the Artistic Consultantof Teatro Carlo Felice in Genova, the TeatroCommunale in Treviso, the Assistant Artistic Directorof the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, the ArtisticDirector of the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, as wellas was the member of the Board of Accademia MusicaleChigiana in Siena. He regularly collaboratedwith RAI Radio and Television, SDR Radio and Televisionin Stuttgart and the Schwetzinger Festspiele(Germany).Vincenzo De Vivo is a member of jury at variousinternational music competitions held in Belgium,Brazil, China, Finland, Korea, France, Italy, Russia,Spain, Turkey and Japan.He has published essays on Italian opera andhas written a lot of librettos for such composers asDall’Ongaro, Ferrero, Festa, Rendine, Taralli. He isthe author of rhythmic Italian translations for operasby Bizet, Mozart, Offenbach and J. Strauss jr.As a professor he gives lectures at the Corsesof Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia in Rome andcollaborates with the Accademia della Scala in Milano,La scuola dell’Opera in Bologna and Teatro inTreviso. Sergey Zakharov The Soviet and Russian pop singer, the Honoured Artist of the RSFSR, the People’s Artist of Russia (Russia) ![]() The name of Sergey Zakharov is familiar to andbeloved by audience in the course of 45-year creativeactivity of this artist, however time is not ableto influence on his amazing voice and power of kindhearted impact upon people.Sergey Zakharov was born on 1st of May 1950in the Ukraine, city of Nikolaev, in the family of amilitary man that had to transit frequently. Thereforeit was Baikonur, Kazakhstan, where Sergey leftschool and graduated from radiotechnical college.There he also went to the army which made a brightrevelation of his music talent.A promising army soloist was directed to theSong and Dance company at the Soviet ArmyHouse of the Middle East military district. In 1971 hewas demobilized ahead of schedule for the purposeof subsequent music education at the Moscow GnesinsInstitute. Later, because of his transition to Leningrad,Sergey transferred to the Rimsky-Korsakovmusic college, vocal department.Since 1972 Zakharov has been the soloist ofthe National Pop Orchestra managed by L. Utesov,and in 1973–1985 he was the soloist of the LeningradMusic Hall. This singer is the winner of variousinternational competitions in Bulgaria, Poland,Czechoslovakia, Argentina, Germany and others.In 1974 Sergey Zakharov was awarded at the InternationalGolden Orpheus Contest in Bulgaria andSolot-74 in Poland. The were followed by other triumphantvictories, movie shootings in 1975 at themusic movie Swallows in the Sky, tours in 43 countriesof the world and international recognition, creationand performance of diverse concert programsof romances, folk and pop songs, opera and operettaarias. All of these unquestionably proves thatthis artist possessing a uniquely nice and powerfulbaritone, soul, charisma, taste and intelligence is capableof everything.In 1988 he was entitled the Honoured artist ofRussia, and in 1996 – the People’s Artist of Russia.In 1998 this outstanding singer and cultural personalitywas awarded with the Order of Saint Nicolasthe Wonderworker by the UNESCO for his “greatcontribution into goods of the Earth”, and in 2000 hewas awarded with the Russian Order of Friendship.S. Zakharov is the permanent patron of the RussianSong Festival in the Great Britain. Recent confirmationsof high appreciation of this artist’s activityinclude International Person of the Year Award andawarding with the GOLD STAR OF NATION orderfor his contribution into the development of music artand national pop art. Danzanvaanchig Ukhnaa Honoured Artist of Culture in Mongolia, Honoured Worker of Culture in the Buryat Republic, Honorary professor at the Mongolia University of Culture and Art. General Director of the Mongolian Concert Association (Mongolia) ![]() He was born in Ikh-Hat-Somon, East Gobi Aimak(Mongolia).Initiator, coordinator and director at the InternationalRock and Pop Vocalists Contest “Melodyof Friends” Blue Mongilia as long as 20 years. 380foreign pop vocalists participated in the festivalsince its creation. Last 10 years of the festival witnessedthe contest for “the Best Performer of MongolianSong at the Mongolian Language”.Initiator, organizer and director of 92 variousconcerts and shows. The leading director of 320concerts devoted to official holidays, anniversariesof the country and so on. Conferencier at 4893 concertsand shows in MongoliaMember of jury at various International Festivalsand Competitions held in Russia, Germany,Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Japan, China,Korea, Singapore, Cuba.Collaborates with the Buryat Republic NationalPhilarmonia for more than 24 years.Education:1967–1972. Music Conservatory, Sofia, Bulgaria.1981–1982. Highest courses at GITIS, Moscow,the USSR.1986. Highest courses at the Management Institute,Moscow, the USSR.Occupational Experience:1960–1967 the Mongolia National Theatre of Operaand Ballet, chorister.1972–1975 the Mongolia National Philarmonia,soloist.1975–1983 the Mongolia National Philarmonia, director.1983–2001 the Mongolia National Philarmonia,manager.2001–2005 Association of Art Workers, ExecutiveManager.Since 2000 International Concert Association “MusicWithout Borders”, the Mongolia Representative.Since 2001 the Mongolia Concert Association,General Counselor.Since 2005 the Central House of Culture, GeneralCounselor.Awards and Title:1981. Leading worker of culture in Mongolia.1993. Honoured Artist of Culture in Mongolia.2003. Golden Microphone Award, category “A LivingLegend” for his achievements and work in thearea of culture and art in the course of 53 years ofwhich 30 in the area of pop art.2007. Honoured Worker of Culture, Buryat Republic.2011. Honorary professor at the Mongolia Universityof Culture and Art.Holder of the Golden Mic award, category “LivingLegend of Mongolia” for his achievements andwork in the area of culture and arts in the courseof 54 years, including 42 years in the area of popgenre. Franco Farina Opera Singer (Italy) ![]() Franco Farina, born in Connecticut, is the graduateof the Oberlin Conservatory. Upon completionof his professional studies in the American OperaCenter at the Julliard School of Music, New York, hedebuted as Rodolfo in La Boheme. Soon his voicewas heard at leading opera companies throughoutNorth America. Franco Farina has won internationalacclaim through performances on the stages ofleading opera theatres of the world (MetropolitanOpera, Opera National de Paris, Vienna State Opera,Deutsche Oper Berlin, Teatro La Fenice, TeatroCommunale in Florence, Roma Opera House, RoyalOpera House Covent Garden, Gran Teatro del Liceoin Barcelona, Australian Opera and many others).His Repertoire includes arias from La Traviata,Rigoletto, La Boheme, Madame Butterfly, Turandot,Otello and others. In the latest years he has beenvery successfully venturing into the works of R.Wagner (Tristan und Isolde, Tannh user). Diversityof new arias confirms his unique talent for interpretationof dramatic music.F.Farina collaborated with such great directorsas James Conlon, Daniel Harding, Riccardo Muti,Antonio Pappano.Franco Farina has been awarded with a honoraryDoctorate by Oberlin.Along with active professional career FrancoFarina also teaches young singers and establishedprofessionals |
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